Maulana Mohammed Fazlurrahim Mujaddidi Meeting with Chief Minister of Karnataka Siddaramaiah

Bangalore, 31st August 2024

In a significant development, a high-level delegation from the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) met with Karnataka Chief Minister Mr. Siddaramaiah to express their strong opposition to the proposed Waqf Amendment Bill 2024. The delegation, led by AIMPLB General Secretary Maulana Mohammed Fazlurrahim Mujaddidi, presented a detailed memorandum outlining the community’s concerns over the bill, which they claim undermines the rights and autonomy of Waqf institutions.

The meeting took place in Bangalore, with several notable religious and community leaders from Karnataka in attendance. Among those present were former Union Minister Mr. K. Rahman Khan, President of Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Karnataka, Maulana Syed Tanveer Ahmed Hashmi, and other prominent figures from various Muslim organizations.

During the conversation, Maulana Mohammed Fazlurrahim Mujaddidi explained to Mr. Patole that in recent times, false information has been spreading that whenever the Waqf Board claims a piece of land or property, the government is compelled to hand it over to the Waqf. However, the reality is that thousands of acres of Waqf land are under illegal occupation, and efforts are being made to reclaim them. But if this bill passes, all such occupied lands will be lost from Waqf control. The Board members further explained that there is currently a multi-level judicial system for Waqf cases, allowing appeals up to the High Court and Supreme Court after the Waqf Tribunal. However, with the proposed amendment, all judicial matters will be transferred to the district collector, and no collector in the country would dare to rule against the government.

Maulana Mohammed Fazlurrahim Mujaddidi met with Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

During the meeting, the AIMPLB delegation highlighted the potential dangers of the Waqf Amendment Bill. Maulana Mohammed Fazlurrahim Mujaddidi argued that the bill is designed to weaken the Waqf Act of 1995, which was previously strengthened under the Congress government led by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2013. According to the delegation, the proposed amendments would facilitate both governmental and non-governmental encroachments on Waqf properties by granting unprecedented powers to district collectors and state administration officials, effectively bypassing Waqf Boards.

The delegation voiced concerns that the bill seeks to strip Waqf Boards and the Central Waqf Council of their authority, leaving the fate of thousands of Waqf properties in the hands of the local administration. “This bill not only dilutes the powers of Waqf institutions but also opens the door for illegal encroachments,” said Maulana Mujaddidi.

Call for Congress to Oppose the Bill

The AIMPLB has called on the Congress party, both at the state and national levels, to take a strong stand against the Waqf Amendment Bill. “We request the Congress and its members of Parliament to firmly oppose this bill in the legislature and ensure that it does not get passed,” said the delegation. They handed over a written memorandum to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, detailing the clauses in the bill that they find problematic.

CM Siddaramaiah’s Response

In response, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah assured the delegation that their concerns would be taken seriously. He promised to convey their message to the party leadership and assured them that the Congress would do everything possible to prevent the bill from being passed. “We have always stood for justice, and in this case, we will ensure that the rights of Waqf institutions are not undermined,” Siddaramaiah said.

Broader Implications

The Waqf Amendment Bill 2024 has sparked widespread concern among the Muslim community across India, with fears that it could lead to a significant loss of Waqf properties, which are crucial for religious and charitable purposes. The AIMPLB has been at the forefront of the campaign against the bill, organizing meetings with political leaders and rallying support from various Muslim organizations.

The memorandum submitted by the AIMPLB is part of a broader effort to prevent the bill from becoming law, with the Board planning to engage with other political parties and community leaders to ensure that the amendments are rolled back.

The outcome of this meeting with Karnataka’s Chief Minister is seen as a key step in the ongoing efforts to oppose the bill and protect the integrity of Waqf properties.

Press Release: 

AIMPLB delegation seeks Karnataka govt’s support to oppose Waqf Bill